From the Desk of Lou Woodcock

From the Desk of Lou Woodcock

Hey, guys and gals! Just a note from the top of 2025. I had a surgery, last week, and have be recovering the past few days. I am healing much faster than expected, and am ready for the @wmpo to fire up! As always, as the brains behind Cruzwood Communications, I am...
Happy National Dog Day!!!

Happy National Dog Day!!!

“The best day,” EVER, says the #2 at Cruzwood Communications. Although every day seems to be International Dog Day in her house. Hug your canine, today!!!
Sweetest Pittie Has The World’s Best Smile

Sweetest Pittie Has The World’s Best Smile

When I am not handling all the day-to-day operations at CruzWood HQ, I surf the web for stories on all my animal pals.  I ran across this great story of Shortcake – who has the world’s best smile.  Check out the story here – Also, remember, it takes more energy to...
Happy Adopt-a-Versary to Storm!

Happy Adopt-a-Versary to Storm!

I just love a good celebration story – check out this great story of Storm celebrating his birthday, or Adopt-a-Versary, the best way possible – Storm, live it up, you deserve it. Speaking of Adopt-a-Versaries, I’ve been hearing from my hoomans that me, Lulu Woodcock,...